Sunday, August 23, 2020

An advanced online free human rights and rule of law training program .

 An Announcement

Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) will hold an advanced human rights and rule of law training program from 5th September 2020 (Saturday).  This program will be conducted in English. Previously, a similar program was conducted in Sinhala. (You are encouraged to view these discussions on YouTube through the following link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNZfaUHYIWbrNDqApxRZTuw)

For registration and other details contact

1.       Inoma Karunathilaka  - 0773938197

2.       Kingsley Karunarathne  - 0716884512

of the Rule of Law forum

The subject covered will be,

·         The evolution of the notion of human dignity within the Sri Lankan context: developments and setbacks

·         The idea of the protection of the individual in the Sri Lankan context: developments and setbacks, and present day circumstances

·         Inter-sectional rights/common problems affecting the implementation of the human rights of all sectors due to institutional limitations

·         Specific problems relating to fair trial in the Sri Lankan context

·         The tradition of unequal and disproportionate punishment and how this is reflected in present day practices

·         The basic rule of law principles

·         Other issues related to these topics

The training will consist of 3 discussions (two hours each). Participants will be referred to readings and materials available on YouTube and other sources. They will be also expected to write an essay on the any one of the topics mentioned above.

The participants will be encouraged to send in any questions for clarifications arising out of these discussions through email exchanges to the AHRC staff making presentations.

All those who successfully complete the above requirements will be issued a certificate to that effect by the AHRC.

They will also be provided with further materials in the future on the above-mentioned issues.

 Dead line- on or before 3th September 2020

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.  

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